Clinics and Services




Family Planning Services

Lambgates Health Centre provide a full range of contraceptive methods, advice on safer sex, emergency contraception, pregnancy testing.


Maternity Care: Antenatal

The Community Midwife cares for our expectant mothers (from 16 weeks), liaising closely with the doctors.  Home delivery / short-stay hospital arrangements can be discussed with the midwife. 

The community midwives contact number should be used for general pregnancy enquiries and for newly pregnant women to arrange your booking appointment. Call: 0161 922 6159

Women who require a routine antenatal follow up appointment should contact the Acorn Birth Centre on 0161 922 4921.

For pregnancy related concerns that are over 16 weeks gestation should be advised to contact the maternity triage on 0161 922 6175.

maternity services


image of baby being weighed

Child Healthcare

When your baby needs their vaccinations you should receive a reminder from the Child Health Department & the GP practcie when these vaccinations are due. 


Child Surveillance and Post-Natal Check

Congratulations on the birth of your baby!  We will contact you via post with dates of  Mum's and Baby’s surveillance/post-natal check (at 8 weeks of age). These appointments will be booked together on the same day . 

For more information on Child Immunisations please visit our dedicated page 


Termination of Pregnancy

You don't have to see the doctor if you want to terminate your pregnancy. You can self-refer by calling 0345 730 4030. Information from Tameside General Hospital can be found here



Services we offer include:

  • Mirena/Copper Coil (also available for external patients by GP referral only)
  • Injection
  • Pill
  • Implant (also available for external patient by GP referral only)

Click here to access the free sexual health service 


Minor Surgery

Certain minor surgical procedures and joint injections are undertaken at surgery by appointment with Dr A Ahmed  (Skin lesion surgery) Dr C Trail (Contracpetive) or Dr D Gilliland (Joint injections). The doctor will discuss this if applicable. We can also offer appointments to patients not registered with the practice. 

We are unable to facilitate this servcie by home visit.

NHS Health Checks

NHS health checks are being offered to people aged between 40 and 74 every five years.  The check is to assess your risk of developing heart disease, stroke, kidney disease or diabetes.  If there are any warning signs, then together we can do something about it.

The check should take about 20-30 minutes and is based on straightforward questions and measurements such as age, sex, family history, height, weight and blood pressure.  There will also be a simple blood test to measure your cholesterol level.

Following the check, you will receive FREE personalised advice about what you can do to stay healthy.

Call in or phone 01457 869 090 to make an appointment with Clare, Hilary or Jess. Visit the NHS website for more information

image of a nurse


Annual Checks 

  • You will be invited for your Annual Check around your birthday month.
  • You will receive a minimum of 2 reminders either by SMS, Phonecall or letter.
  • You will be provided with a reference number between 1 and 12, please quote your reference number on booking - this will advise the receptionist how much time is required and which clinican is most approaite for your annual review. 

It is really important that you attend for your annual review when you are invited. These reviews are a vital part of your chronic disease monitoring and also help the GP with your medication monitoring 

If you have Asthma or COPD, we would like you to complete a questionnaire prior to your appointment.  You can print a copy off at home, or please arrive 10 minutes earlier to your appointment and we can print one off at Reception for you to complete in the Waiting Room.